• “I’m feeling like a failure as a teacher.

    How come I can’t handle this kid?”

    “My child just hit me. Again.

    How can I make them stop that?”

    Here's the deal.

    Your classroom & living room feel chaotic right now and you want it to feel calm again. I can help with that.  

    I help educators & families learn skills and gain confidence in how to be the best person possible in the lives of the children that they love.

    Upcoming class spotlight!

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    "EmpowerEd: Visionary School Leadership" is a set three series for aspiring, new, and seasoned school leaders.

    FOUR Wednesdays, 6-9 pm, PST

    May 1-29, 2024*

    (*No class 5/8)

    4 sessions. 4 Wednesdays. 12 credit hours. Set 3.

    Core Knowledge Categories: Personal, Professional, and Leadership Development and Program Management.


    What people are saying:
    "I really like the way you brought to our attention specific areas of focus. I plan to work from a higher perspective, of being in service day to day with direct intention not just intention. Direct intention is using these skill sets to set goals to work alongside teachers, families, and children. These people are our team and community."


    "This was great a great class, the last leadership training I took was not great. I was nervous."


    "Intrigued by the “Why are we friends?” And going deeper with that “What specifically makes us be friends” Just such a different approach!"


    "I think the one thing that I took in the most was if my team knew our philosophy. I'm going to make a goal for them all to know and for us to find ways to make it easy to know when bringing new teachers."


    Remember. Oregon’s Family Child Care Scholarship supports professional development for Oregon’s Registered Family and Certified Family Child Care Providers. If you are the Provider named on an Oregon Registered Family or Certified Family Child Care license, you may be eligible for scholarships to help pay for professional development opportunities.

    Amy Williams Academy is a Sponsoring Organization and you can use the OFCC to pay for Set Two & Set Three training with AWA.


    AND, AWA wants to support everyone and offers generous group rates. Don't let finances keep you from joining a class. Just ask.

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    "Oh no! I have to get my PD done before next week!"

    Get compelling classes on demand with my webinars!

    Topics cover classroom issues, special needs, leadership and family relationships.

    High-quality training at your own pace.

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    Get your Upstander gear!

    An Upstander stands up for what is right and inspires others to do the same. By wearing this hoodie, you can express your commitment to being an Upstander and encourage conversations about social justice and equality. The purpose of this hoodie is to promote and encourage a culture of standing up against injustice, discrimination, and bullying.

  • You are not alone.

    You know those times when your children are melting down, you're crying & everything is falling apart.

    Amy Williams Academy helps families and educators practice skills so that homes and classrooms are peaceful and respectful again. Just like you want them to be.

    Learn practical and effective tools that you can put into action immediately to make your homes and classrooms a more peaceful, loving community.

    My real job is to be a leadership coach for families and educators; your guide and cheerleader to remind you that you got this, you are not alone and you can get what you need to be the incredible leader your child, your teachers & students need right NOW!


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  • TV, Podcasts, and Classes!

    Listen to Amy talk about consent, how we get in our own way, managing BIG emotions, connecting with our children, and positive phrasing.

    "Self-Care Comes Second to Self-Compassion" "Wow. That was a BIG Emotion: Self-Regulation in...
    All the whining, tattling, and arguing are driving me up the wall! How to handling your child's...
    We can adjust our conversation about consent as our children grow into pre-teens and teenagers. ...
    More Posts
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    We can do this together.

    "I learned practical ideas that I could put into action the very next day in my classroom."

    Pre-school teacher.


    "She challenged me to self-reflect, observe, then make adjustments that worked with individual children."

    Elementary teacher


    "We love Amy! She is a talented coach who leads with her heart. Amy has a valuable ability to see both the forest and the trees, from a parent, educator, and child perspective. Amy’s style will make you feel simultaneously respected, nurtured, and understood, and despite smoothly raising two amazing daughters to adulthood, she will never make you feel judged or as if a difficult child is that way because you are parenting the wrong way. She will teach you, a lot, without you even realizing you are being taught.

    Five stars; highly recommend."

    Happy family


    "Just have to share that this has been the MOST helpful parental information I have ever received in a meeting...

    THANK YOU!!"

    Happy family


    "As I'm listening, my spouse is implementing superpowers with three small girls in the other room falling apart before bedtime!"

    Happy family


    Online sessions, private coaching & keynote talks are available.

    OCCD Master trainer in Oregon & Washington MERIT trainer!

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    Family Education

    Workshops that meet the needs of your family; respectful guidance & discipline, understanding temperament, problem-solving.

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    Team Training

    Customized training to fit the needs of your team. Content is relevant, urgent, and compelling.

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    Individual Coaching

    Private coaching to help you become the compassionate, respectful, and joyful person you were meant to be.

  • "I was feeling like a failure as a parent. I reached out to Amy and she reached back with authenticity, laughter, and the best advice I could ever hope for. My home is more peaceful and sane, thanks to her. I can't thank you enough, Ms. Amy!"

    - Parent

    "I was able to immediately bring this tool back to my classroom with fresh insight and a new lens to see each of my students with greater clarity. I am able to see where I fit in and how my preferences inform and sometimes cloud my ability to see the child for who they present at each moment. Powerful!"

    - Toddler Teacher

    "I have been teaching for decades and Amy taught me something brand new. My entire team benefited from Amy's experience and reliability. Can we book again RIGHT NOW?"

    - Head of School

    "The workshops are incredibly interesting and useful. I really enjoyed how interactive it was. Can't wait to put it into practice in my classroom tomorrow."

    - Primary Teacher

    "Amy provides the best training I've ever taken. It feels much more like a community discussion than formal training, which is really nice. Amy's kindness and open arms create a very safe and positive learning space."

    - Head of School