Live Customized Training to Fit the Needs of Your Team
Explore the topics below for your next professional development session to provide your team with real-time engagement, allowing you to ask questions, receive immediate feedback, and collaborate with peers.

Special Needs
Children on the Spectrum: The Prepared Environment and Prepared Adult (NEW)
What is Autism? How is the language we use important? Explore how to use your power of observation and curiosity to support children on the spectrum and utilize what is in a Montessori classroom to assist in success within the classroom community. Reflect on how to remain understanding and confident in your work with children on the spectrum.
Core Knowledge Category: Special Needs, Set Two.
OCCD Set Two approved for live, virtual and asynchronous credit. Recordings are available to view and learn at your own pace.
Embracing Calm: Strategies for Managing Anxiety in the Classroom
Anxiety manifests in a variety of ways in young children. Learn how the brain activates to protect the individual, how to recognize the symptoms, and know when to recommend to families to seek extended mental health support which may include IFSP development and planning. Explore ways to implement inclusive and anxiety-informed care. Increase knowledge about this mental health struggle, gain empathy, and insight with ideas on how we can impact and soothe anxiety and adapt our approach so that children with anxiety can feel confident, safe and secure.
Core Knowledge Category: Special Needs, Set One.
Proprioception & Vestibular Needs in Early Childhood & School-Age Classrooms
The proprioceptive and vestibular senses can be difficult to address in a school environment. Critically examine ways to support a healthy sensory diet that successfully supports the entire community, including children with special needs in infant/toddler, preschool, and school-age classrooms. Observation is key. Modify tools of observation to suit the needs of your classroom.
Core Knowledge Category: Special Needs, Set Three.
Colors of Your Own Sensory Palette
Through active experiences with art materials and personal reflection, explore and examine your personal sensory sensitivities. Learn how this interfaces with the children with sensory issues in your classroom communities.
Core knowledge Categories: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development and Special Needs, Set Two.
Addressing Proprioception and Vestibular Needs in the Classroom: A Teacher's Toolkit
The Proprioceptive and Vestibular senses are often misunderstood and can be difficult to address in a school environment. How does this play out in the classroom? What is the underlying need of the child? Explore playful ways to support a healthy diet of movement and physical activity in ways that are supportive for the entire community. Play with challenges against gravity that help children develop core strength, practice balance, implement skillful self-regulation, and increase flexibility to adjust to typical sensory input.
Core Knowledge Category: Special Needs, Set Two.
Sensory Strategies in the Classroom
Learn the differences between auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, vestibular, tactile, interoceptive and proprioceptive senses. Recognize the sensory needs of children in your classroom, and explore ways to support the needs of children according to their individual sensory palette.
Core Knowledge Category: Special Needs and Observation & Assessment.
Deal With the Behavior, Not the Label
Children are often given a label, which may or may not be correct. Often the children that we work with are too young to even have a diagnosis placed upon them. Often a three year old is just being three, not developing into a case of oppositional defiant disorder. Participants will look at specific behavior patterns from the children in the classroom and learn to address specific behaviors to lead to a more successful, respectful and enriching community.
Core Knowledge Category: Special Needs.
Understanding & Guiding Behaviors
Responsive Guidance (NEW!)
Respond vs. react. Support vs. penalize. Practice more tools to support peaceful behavior in the classroom. Explore how self-regulation and connection with students make a huge difference. Design a plan that will start your school year with ease and strengthen your skills in the classroom.
Respond vs. react. Support vs. penalize. Practice more tools to support peaceful behavior in the classroom. Explore how self-regulation and connection with students make a huge difference. Design a plan that will start your school year with ease and strengthen your skills in the classroom.
Core Knowledge Category: Understanding & Guiding Behavior. Set Two.
Clear=Kind Essentials of Classroom Relationships
Analyze the ways we get in our own way, investigate how our family shaped how we treat others, and improve your tools to lead with clarity, confidence, and certainty. (6-10 hours of training)
Core Knowledge Category: Human Growth & Development & Understanding & Guiding Behavior. Set Three. 5-week Family Ed version available.
Sigh. It's BEEN A Year... Or Two
It has been a roller coaster, we are exhausted and we educators are struggling. How can we go beyond what we already know about how to take care of ourselves and connect more deeply with our students? Let's talk about Joy. Let's talk about Flow. How do we get in our own way? What are some new tools to support children who are also struggling? Create a partnership with others that not only extends care but receives care as well.
Core Knowledge Category: Understanding & Guiding Behavior & Personal, Professional and Leadership Development.
Conversations with Children About Consent (Teacher favorite!)
Discussing the aspects of boundaries and consent with young children can seem so incredibly daunting and uncomfortable that we sometimes avoid the conversation altogether. Learn how to talk with children about their own voice and choices in a way that acknowledges the various facets of consent. Learn some basics of consent, the ways we inadvertently teach children that consent is not important and practice strategies to bring back to your classroom (or home). How children learn about consent as a child will inform how they interact with other adults and children throughout their lifetime. (Available for educators or family groups!)
Core Knowledge Category: Understanding & Guiding Behavior. Set Two. Family Ed version available.
Difficult Behaviors 101 (Another teacher favorite!)
Learn how to recognize different types of difficult behaviors in the classroom and practice skills that work to bring harmony and peace to your community. Increase your skill in how you support children, deepen your understanding of the child and be the compassionate teacher you want to be.
Core Knowledge Category: Understanding & Guiding Behavior.
Why Won't They Listen to Me? Guiding, Leading and Inspiring Children in the Classroom
"Is anybody even listening to me? Sometimes it feels like nobody is paying attention and your directions and guidance seem to go completely ignored. Your classroom seems to be spiraling into chaos. HELP! Reflect on your personal style of guidance & discipline, the ways in which we sabotage our own attempts at leading our classroom, and how to tend to the different types of difficult behaviors. Ahhh... a more peaceful, collaborative classroom.
Core Knowledge Category: Understanding & Guiding Behavior.
Sometimes, I Can't Help M'Self: How I Get in My Own Way
Have you ever had a day when every single one of your efforts to manage the classroom fails miserably? Children are climbing the shelves, our stress-level is soaring and nothing seems to work! It could be old habits that make us trip up our own selves. Explore the ways in which we get in our own way and learn how to make a shift. Examine possible unmet needs and how to come to our classroom every day with a fresh perspective.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development; Understanding & Guiding Behavior.
Nap Languages 101
Every child has a unique way to feel safe and comfortable enough to go to sleep. Learn how to understand the individual needs of your students so that you can help them drift off and sleep soundly without anxiety.
Core Knowledge Category: Understanding & Guiding Behavior.
Supporting With Empathy: Make it Better With Real Connection
Empathy has the power to calm children experiencing big emotions. It can make children instantly feels better knowing that the adult in their life understands them and welcomes their emotional expression. Learn simple ways to let children experience being authentically heard, seen and understood within clear, calm boundaries. When a child feels this, her ability to skillfully manage emotions grows. Practice some self-reflection to pinpoint approaches that support and do not support children with empathy. When empathy is calm, reassuring, patient and real, it always works to deepen the relationship.
Core Knowledge Category: Human Growth & Development; Understanding and Guiding Behavior. Family Ed version available.
Big Emotions! Keeping Your Cool When Things Get HOT!
We all experience emotions that are BIG and hard to manage. Learn ways to support your child with the calm, assertive presence of a 'mossy rock'. Explore ways to help your child self-regulate when the world seems to be crashing down.
Core Knowledge Category: Understanding and Guiding Behavior, Set One (Family Ed version available)
Caring Discipline
It feels like constant yelling, chaos, and fighting in my house. Help!
In this five-week family series, learn how to avoid power struggles, defuse a child's anger and prevent violent behaviors, set healthy limits, strengthen and enrich the adult-child relationship, teach children to act responsibly, open two-way communication and understand your child's inner perspective. Nurture healthy emotional growth and confidence. Create a cooperative atmosphere in your home. Learn tools to practice in-between classes and get customized family coaching throughout the series.
Core Knowledge Category: Diversity, Family & Community Systems & Understanding and Guiding Behavior, Set Two. (Family Ed version available)
Human Growth & Development
Clear=Kind Essentials of Classroom Relationships (NEW!)
Analyze the ways we get in our own way, investigate how our family shaped how we treat others, and improve your tools to lead with clarity, confidence, and certainty. (6-week series)
Core Knowledge Category: Human Growth & Development & Understanding & Guiding Behavior. Set Three.
Inspired By The Neighborhood: Bringing Mr. Rogers' Wisdom to Life In Your Classroom (Teacher favorite!)
Who doesn't know and love Mr. Rogers and his kind, respectful, honest approach to children? Examine and apply concepts, goals, and actions that support the social-emotional growth and development of young children. Create a plan in which your program is a more clear, kind, and respectful experience for your students. Cardigan required attire.
Core Knowledge Category: Human Growth & Development. Set Two.
Developmental Movement Patterns in the Classroom (Another teacher favorite!)
In this class, we will explore the developmental sequence of movement based on Judith Kestenberg's work as a movement analyst and child psychiatrist. You will leave with a new observation tool to use in your classroom that will help guide you in making material, activity and interaction choices. We will also talk about OUR OWN individual preferences and how they unfold in our relationship with individual children. How can we better support children who seem to be struggling? What do we observe and what types of classroom materials and experiences can we offer children as they grow that meets their needs and supports their healthy development regardless of their learning style and temperament?
Core Knowledge Category: Human Growth & Development; Observation & Assessment. Set Two. (Not currently available as an online option. It is best live & in-person!)
"I was able to immediately bring this tool back to my classroom with fresh insight and a new lens to see each of my students with greater clarity. I am able to see where I fit in and how my preferences inform and sometimes cloud my ability to see the child for who they present at each moment. Powerful!" - Toddler Teacher.
"Thank you! This was really, I mean really, eye-opening! I never thought about how I can become a better teacher, a more 'attuned' teacher by using this information. I can't wait to notate on Monday morning!" - Preschool Teacher.
Supporting With Empathy: Make it Better With Real Connection
Empathy has the power to calm children experiencing big emotions. It can make children instantly feel better knowing that the adult in their life understands them and welcomes their emotional expression. Learn simple ways to let children experience being authentically heard, seen, and understood within clear, calm boundaries. When a child feels this, their ability to skillfully manage emotions grows. Practice some self-reflection to pinpoint approaches that support and do not support children with empathy. When empathy is calm, reassuring, patient, and real, it always works to deepen the relationship.
Core Knowledge Category: Human Growth & Development; Understanding and Guiding Behavior.
Children and Aggression: Is There Such a Thing as a 4 year-old Bully?
“Bullying is a behavior, not an identity.” With nearly one in five children experiencing aggression each year, it is no wonder this topic is on the minds of educators. Creating a safe supportive school experience is a common goal we all share as educators. This workshop explores resources and options to address this behavior and discusses how to offer support and guidance to all parties involved. Learn how to build empathy and assist your students to identify ways to increase understanding toward others.
Core Knowledge Category: Human Growth & Development. Family Ed version available.
Family Education
Summertime Doesn't Have to be Screentime
"Whenever I take the iPad away, there is a huge meltdown. How did we get to this point?" Learn the effects of screens on the development of young children and its impact on mental health. Develop a plan to create household guidelines around the use of screens. Discover ways to get your child outdoors and independently engaged in creative, fun and imaginative experiences.
Being Your Best Parent Self
"Whenever I get upset, I sound just like my mom... and not in a good way." This family class focuses on practical tips to help you thrive as a parent. Learn some common ways that we sabotage our best efforts in guiding our children and what to do instead. Increase kindness, clarity and respect in your home. Get ready to level-up your parenting game and build a stronger family bond!
Managing BIG Emotions!
"My house is complete chaos and at any point in time, someone is either crying or fighting or screaming. HELP!" This family class focuses on teaching practical strategies for handling strong feelings. The class will cover a variety of tools and techniques that you can put into action right away. By learning how to navigate emotions effectively, families can build stronger bonds and create a more harmonious home environment.
The Art of Praise
"But what is wrong with 'good job'?" This family class focuses on positive affirmation techniques that help children develop a healthy, kind inner voice. Participants will learn how to effectively praise their children to boost self-esteem and motivation. Through interactive activities, families will explore different ways to give genuine and specific praises for a more encouraging and supportive environment at home.
Emotional Regulation & Anxiety in Young Children
Explore practical strategies to help young children manage big feelings and anxiety. Empower your family with tools to promote emotional regulation and build resilience in your little ones.
The Elementary Years: Peers, Acquaintances, Friends, & Frenemies
"Oh no. What has happened to my sweet baby and where did that fun-loving preschooler go?" Our elementary children are becoming social creatures faster than we ever imagines. "Where do I fit in?" "How can I belong?" You may see more worry & anxiety, struggles with positive peer relationships. Their self-regulation skills are a mess. Let's talk about the difference between peers, acquaintances, friends and frenemies. How can you help your child move through this bumpy transition?
Clear=Kind Essentials of Household Relationships
Analyze the ways we get in our own way, investigate how our family shaped how we treat others, and improve your tools to lead with clarity, confidence, and certainty. (5-week series)
Conversations with Children About Consent
Discussing the aspects of boundaries and consent with young children can seem so incredibly daunting and uncomfortable that we sometimes avoid the conversation altogether. Learn how to talk with children about their voice and choices in a way that acknowledges the various facets of consent. Learn some basics of consent, the ways we inadvertently teach children that consent is not important and practice strategies to bring back to your home.
Children and Aggression: Is There Such a Thing as a 4 year-old Bully?
“Bullying is a behavior, not an identity.” With nearly one in five children experiencing aggression each year, it is no wonder this topic is on the minds of families. Creating a safe, happy, and healthy childhood is a common goal we all share. This workshop explores resources and options to address this behavior and discusses how to offer support and guidance to all parties involved. Learn how to build empathy and assist your students to identify ways to increase understanding toward others.
Big Emotions! Keeping Your Cool When Things Get HOT!
We all experience emotions that are BIG and hard to manage. Learn ways to support your child with the calm, assertive presence of a 'mossy rock'. Explore ways to help your child self-regulate when the world seems to be crashing down.
Supporting With Empathy: Make it Better With Real Connection
Empathy has the power to calm children experiencing big emotions. It can make children instantly feels better knowing that the adult in their life understands them and welcomes their emotional expression. Learn simple ways to let children experience being authentically heard, seen and understood within clear, calm boundaries. When a child feels this, her ability to skillfully manage emotions grows. Practice some self-reflection to pinpoint approaches that support and do not support children with empathy. When empathy is calm, reassuring, patient and real, it always works to deepen the relationship.
3 classes that are Montessori-specific:
1. Why Montessori for Kindergarten?
There is something extraordinary that happens in the Kindergarten year in Montessori classrooms! Join us to learn about what's possible before your child transitions to an elementary classroom with us or elsewhere.
There is something extraordinary that happens in the Kindergarten year in Montessori classrooms! Join us to learn about what's possible before your child transitions to an elementary classroom with us or elsewhere.
2. What Happens in a Montessori Elementary Classroom?
Do you wonder about the mysteries unfolding in a Montessori Elementary Program? "What can I expect my child to experience?" "Is it worth it?" "But my neighborhood school is pretty good..."
Hear about what happens in the classroom and what happens as your child stretches into the Second Plane. Also hear from alumni who have soared after their years in our Elementary program.
3. Five Ways to a Montessori Life
"How can I better support my child in becoming the person they are meant to become?" "I want our family to be more peaceful, calm, and intentional all around."
The more we learn about Montessori, the more it tends to seep into all aspects of our lives. We find ourselves seeing the world just a little bit differently, seeking a deeper perspective, and making changes. Join us to hear five simple ways to live a life guided by Montessori values. You may be surprised to find how closely this aligns with what you already do!
Family & Community Systems
Important Conversations with Families: Cultivating Respectful and Clear Partnerships
Ideally, we are always in a peaceful partnership with the families that we serve. Yet, sometimes we must have conversations that are difficult and uncomfortable that may put that partnership at risk. Examine ways to create a safe, trusting atmosphere, explore ways to communicate when emotions run high, and maintain a relationship that is respectful, clear and effective.
Core Knowledge Category: Family & Community Systems. Set Two.
Kindness in Community: Compassionate Communication and Collaboration
Communication takes a lot of work. A lot of it. How often have you walked away from a conversation feeling angry, hurt, disappointed, or misunderstood? Have you ever said things that you later regretted, things that hurt someone unnecessarily? Do you wish for more open and honest communication with your colleagues that was shared in a spirit of loving-kindness? You are not alone and you can create a community of kindness.
Core Knowledge Categories: Family & Community Systems; Personal, Professional & Leadership Development.
Caring Discipline
It feels like constant yelling, chaos, and fighting in my house. Help!
In this five-week family series, learn how to avoid power struggles, defuse a child's anger and prevent violent behaviors, set healthy limits, strengthen and enrich the adult-child relationship, teach children to act responsibly, open two-way communication and understand your child's inner perspective. Nurture healthy emotional growth and confidence. Create a cooperative atmosphere in your home. Learn tools to practice in-between classes and get customized family coaching throughout the series.
Core Knowledge Category: Diversity, Family & Community Systems & Understanding and Guiding Behavior, Set Two. (Family Ed version available)
Health & Safety
Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect
I am an Oregon certified trainer for this state-mandated workshop.
Core Knowledge Category: Health, Safety & Nutrition, Set One. Family Ed version available.
Learning Environments & Curriculum
Words We Use: Positive Phrasing to Support Young Children
Learn ways to speak with children that promote a peaceful, respectful classroom environment. Explore phrases that you may use currently that you want to eliminate. Transform your tone and increase the kindness in your voice when you speak to children. Practice building phrases that are honest and clear, loving and kind.
Core Knowledge Category: Learning Environments & Curriculum. Set Two.
Connecting Children to Work: Curate an Inspired Environment
Do your children fall into their flow with the materials you provide in your prepared environment? Are you meeting their interests and inspiring them to dig deep into their individual curiosities? Learn how to increase their wonderment and engagement through careful observation and editing.
Core Knowledge Category: Learning Environments & Curriculum.
Observation & Assessment
Developmental Movement Patterns in the Classroom (A teacher favorite!)
In this class, participants will explore the sequence of rhythmic movement choices children journey through as they develop. Participants will leave with a basic observation tool to use in the classroom. We will also discuss how individual preferences unfold in our relationship with individual children. Are we labeling children “problem” or “difficult” when really they are doing exactly what we should expect? What do we observe and what types of classroom materials and experiences are we offering children as they proceed naturally through these rhythmic stages?
Core Knowledge Category: Human Growth & Development; Observation & Assessment. Set Two. (Not currently available as an online option. It is best live & in person!)
Team-Centered Approach for Difficult Behavior in the Classroom
Participants explore and create a process to review the current strengths and challenges of individual children in the classroom. Alongside colleagues with diverse perspectives, examine how to create a team-centered approach that supports every child's success.
Core Knowledge Category: Observation & Assessment; Understanding and Guiding Behavior. Set Two.
Sensory Strategies in the Classroom
Learn the differences between auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, vestibular, tactile, interoceptive, and proprioceptive senses. Recognize the sensory needs of children in your classroom and explore ways to support the needs of children according to their individual sensory palettes.
Core Knowledge Category: Special Needs; Observation & Assessment.
Indicators of Child Abuse & Neglect
Children give us signals that they are experiencing abuse. Let's talk about the physical and behavioral indicators that we may see in the classroom and how we can support children. Gain concrete ideas about how to talk about consent and safe body boundaries with children. Learn how to strengthen trusting relationships with children so they feel safe.
Core Knowledge Category: Observation & Assessment.
Observe like a Rock! Create an Amazing Environment Through the Power of Observation
Participants learn and practice the ways of the stealth observer; quiet, objective, and calm. See your space for what it is and what it can be. Learn how to implement practices and room arrangements that address problem areas and expand successful spaces.
Core Knowledge Category: Observation & Assessment.
Personal, Professional & Leadership Development
InspirEd: Leadership Cohort for School Leaders (NEW!)
This comprehensive and dynamic class is designed for ECE and SA schoolprogram leaders. It equips participants with the essential skills, knowledge, and mindset to become visionary leaders in the field of education. The focus of this session is to make connections in the group to form an extended cohort of people that participants can regularly communicate with for the rest of the school year.
OCCD Set Three approved for live, virtual and asynchronous credit. Recordings are available to view and learn at your own pace.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development, Set Three
EmpowerEd: Visionary School Leadership
A comprehensive and dynamic class designed for ECE and SA school program leaders. This course focuses on equipping participants with the essential skills, knowledge, and mindset to become visionary leaders in the field of education. Perfect for new leaders and seasoned leaders looking to feel reinspired.
OCCD Set Three approved for live, virtual and asynchronous credit. Recordings are available to view and learn at your own pace.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development, Set Three
Sparks Fly!
This class walks participants through several sections of the journal, "The Spark: A Creative Adventure for Teachers". It is a sanctuary for teachers, a place where the art of teaching and the joy of creative expression converge. Filled with a rich array of art and writing prompts, this journal sparks inspiration, encouraging educators to infuse their teaching with innovation and imagination.
Unleash your inner artist and writer as you respond to thought-provoking prompts tailored to the teaching experience in a group setting. Explore tools that support and enrich your skills as a teacher, and examine how your own history influences and shapes the person you are today. Pause and celebrate your successes. Find moments of Hope. Set goals on the things that matter most to you and your classroom community.
Unleash your inner artist and writer as you respond to thought-provoking prompts tailored to the teaching experience in a group setting. Explore tools that support and enrich your skills as a teacher, and examine how your own history influences and shapes the person you are today. Pause and celebrate your successes. Find moments of Hope. Set goals on the things that matter most to you and your classroom community.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development
The Reflective Model
Participants dive into the mission, vision and values of their program. Articulate how what you do day-to-day supports the greater purpose of the program in service to children and the community.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development
Responsive Communication: Compassionate Connection
What does a kind, compassionate, respectful community look like? Using tools from "The Four Agreements" and a little Non-Violent Communication, we explore the art of building relationships and share how to create an atmosphere of responsive, compassionate, and connected communication.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development
Self-Care Comes Second to Self-Compassion
Everyone is talking about the importance of self-care, but what about self-compassion? Self-care is the action and approach that embody being kind and considerate to oneself. Self-compassion is having an attitude of kindness and consideration toward oneself. Participants investigate their practice of caring for themselves and explore how they can develop more compassion for themselves daily. It's more than just taking deep breaths and drinking more water.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development
Sigh. It's BEEN A Year
It has been a roller coaster, we are exhausted and we educators are struggling. How can we go beyond what we already know about how to take care of ourselves and connect more deeply with our students? Let's talk about Joy. Let's talk about Flow. How do we get in our own way? What are some new tools to support children who are also struggling? Create a partnership with others that not only extends care but receives care as well.
Core Knowledge Category: Understanding & Guiding Behavior & Personal, Professional and Leadership Development
Sometimes, I Can't Help M'Self: How I Get in My Own Way
Have you ever had a day when every single one of your efforts to manage the classroom fails miserably? Children are climbing the shelves, our stress-level is soaring and nothing seems to work! It could be old habits that make us trip up our own selves. Explore the ways in which we get in our own way and learn how to make a shift. Examine possible unmet needs and how to come to our classroom every day with a fresh perspective.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development; Understanding & Guiding Behavior.
They Can See What's On Your Bookshelf, You Know
Be present. Be open. Be engaged. As we turn to leading more online classes, trainers in this class will learn how to create more engaging experiences for participants who join online training classes. We will cover how to prepare for an online session as well as cover how to have successful breakout sessions, inspiring students to remain engaged and leave inspired.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development; Program Management.
Crawl, Pull-up & Go: A Guidebook for Coaching Infant & Toddler Teachers* (*not just for toddler teachers...)
Prepare new teachers and inspire seasoned teachers of your youngest children to strengthen your program. Use coaching basics to communicate clearly, coach with clarity and collaborate seamlessly. Build a professional development plan that examines best practices as well as covers family communication and partnership.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development; Program Management. Set Two.
Paint, Pencil & Ink: Creating a Plan for Self-Care
Through the use of a variety of art materials, explore inspiring ways to recharge and remain fresh and authentic within your community. Articulate what is important to you personally so that your work as an educator deepens.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development. Set Two.
"I have attended so many trainings and this one blew me away. Using different art materials as an expression of oneself is new and resonates more with me. Such a unique experience!" - Participant
Colors of Your Own Sensory Palette
Through active experiences with art materials and personal reflection, explore and examine your own personal sensory sensitivities. Learn how this interfaces with the children with sensory issues in your classroom communities.
Core knowledge Categories: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development; Special Needs, Set Two.
Develop An Amazing Team: Recruit, Select, Engage, Coach and Retain the Best
Create an interview tool that helps you find & select professionals who can give you just what your school needs. Provide ways for your team to be invested in many levels of decision-making. Develop a plan to effectively, firmly and fairly coach the members of your team seeking inspiration, skills and the drive to serve your families and children to build a cohesive, happy, inspired team. Evaluate and implement staff training and development plans that support higher school goals. And finally, leave with ideas on how to keep the great members of your team for the long run.
Core Knowledge Category: Program Management; Personal, Professional & Leadership Development, Set Two.
Team Building with Grace and Style
Building a team that works together and reflects kindness and compassion can be easy! Leave with specific ideas on how to strengthen a team with needs as well as thoughts on how to support a strong, established team.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development, Set Two.
On-Boarding for Success
How do you introduce new employees to your business or school? What are the most important things to know on day one? What is critical to understand as you begin a new job, what are the roles and responsibilities? How do you keep staff for more than a few weeks? Clearly communicate expectations to new employees. Leave with an orientation process that is simple, understandable and relevant to your new team members.
Core Knowledge Category: Program Management.
Hiring, Training & Retaining Staff
A school is only as strong as its people are. Class covers staffing issues from hiring the best fit to building a cohesive team that is motivated to strive for excellence. Develop rewards and recognition ideas, look at how to recover when you ‘blow it’, and leave with a plan to ask for and integrate feedback from families to improve your school program- ALL of which aids in retention of a quality team.
Core Knowledge Category: Program Management.
Bloom Where You Are Planted: The Art of Nurturing the Nurturer
Are you just surviving or thriving as a caregiver? Is it possible to feel personally nurtured while nurturing children daily? Learn how to give without giving out. Leave with a concrete plan to put into action!
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development.
Harmonious Classroom Teams: Building on Collaboration
What does the idea of the "preparation of the adult" in a classroom community mean to you. How do you build harmony in your relationship with your classroom team mate? Discuss effective time-management and realistic expectations of each other as you come together to support a harmonious classroom.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development.
Help Staff Grow Through Goal Setting and Objective Development
How do you inspire seasoned professionals and develop new professionals into a team that works toward higher school goals? Leave with concrete ideas on how to blend the talents and passions of the staff with whom you work with the needs of the entire school. Retain teachers in a competitive job market through encouraging them to learn and grow.
Core Knowledge Category: Program Management.
Building Meaningful Appraisals
Leave this workshop with concrete ideas of how to build an appraisal that is an honest reflection of an individual’s work. Highlight strengths and constructively support others as they strengthen other areas.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development.
Personal Temperaments and the Workplace
Understanding how you see the world makes a huge difference in how you relate to others, especially in the workplace. Participants will leave with a greater understanding about personal tendencies of interaction and will explore ideas on how to create a more peaceful, more enriched work environment.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development. Parent Ed version available.
Kindness in Community: Compassionate Communication and Collaboration
Communication takes a lot of work. A lot of it. How often have you walked away from a conversation feeling angry, hurt, disappointed or misunderstood? Have you ever said things that you later regretted, things that hurt someone unnecessarily? Do you wish for more open and honest communication with your colleagues that was shared in a spirit of loving kindness? You are not alone and you have the ability to create a community of kindness.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development.
Coaching to Bring Out the Best
Coaching others to grow with respect and compassion while supporting your business achieve goals and grow. Learn how to recognize, Allow, Investigate and Nurture the work of others. Harvest successful moments and connect, communicate and collaborate with depth and meaning.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development.
Handling Emotions During High Pressure Situations
Recognize the core sources of emotions in the workplace and recognize when emotions get in the way. Learn how to remain calm and support others as they recover quickly for a peaceful, efficient work environment.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development.
Having Tough Conversations: Support Your Team With Honesty, Transparency and Clarity
Create an environment where your team feels safe to learn from mistakes, grow in skill and set goals that are realistic and relevant. Learn how to harness your power of observation and share honest feedback with compassion while setting the tone for growth.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development.
Work: Joy & Meaning Alongside Your Employees
Workshop participants will explore ways to assist employees reduce stress at work, learn methods to find and support home-work balance while remaining present and authentic throughout your day.
Core Knowledge Category: Personal, Professional & Leadership Development.
Keynote Topics
Below is a sample of available keynote topics, but I would love to collaborate on a topic that is right for your audience!
- "Self-Care Comes Second to Self-Compassion"
- "Wow. That was a BIG Emotion: Self-Regulation in the Classroom"
- "Poetry in Motion: An Experiential Reboot!"
- "Calm in the Storm: Building Resilience Through Co-Regulation"