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From the Library of

Amy Williams Academy

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Rude, Mean & Bully. What is That?

 So many feelings come up when a child comes across social situations that are confusing, hurtful and uncomfortable.
This book begins an important conversation with young children about how to recognize and what to do when rude, mean or bullying behavior happens. It will help your little one understand the difference between behavior that is rude, mean and bullying. They will learn what to do if someone does something to THEM and what to do if THEY do something that is rude, mean or bullying.

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Hey Friend! Want to Play?

Sometimes I really want to play with my friend, but I just don’t know what to say. Sometimes they do want to play and that’s great, but sometimes, they don’t.

“Hey Friend! Want to Play?” is a children’s social-emotional learning story about the important social skill of making friends. It will help your little one understand that it is okay if someone doesn’t want to play, and what they can do if that happens

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Wow. That was a BIG Emotion.

When feelings bubble up and get so big and overwhelming, I don’t know what to do. I can learn to calm my body and my mind and feel the feeling without hurting anybody else. Big feelings pass and I can manage it.

“Wow. That Was a BIG Emotion” is a children’s social emotional learning story about managing big emotions. It will help your little ones understand what is happening in their body, to know what they can do when the feeling comes on strong, and that ALL feelings are an important part of being human and do not last forever.

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Consent? What is That Anyway? 

I really want to hug my friend! But they said yes yesterday! Wait. They can change their mind? So can I? 

This is an important conversation to have with your child early and often. You can help them listen for and give clear consent. You can also help them know what to expect from the other grown-ups in their life and what to do to be safe and happy.

“Consent? What is That Anyway?” is a children’s social-emotional learning story about asking for and listening for consent from others. It will help your little ones understand what to do and who to go to for help. It also addresses when adults should ask for consent.

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The Spark: A Creative Adventure for Teachers

This journal is a sanctuary for teachers, a place where the art of teaching and the joy of creative expression converge. Filled with a rich array of writing prompts, this journal sparks inspiration, encouraging educators to infuse their teaching with innovation and imagination.

 "The Spark" is more than a journal; it's a companion for your school year. It's a space to scribble, sketch, and imagine- a space to write your thoughts, ideas, worries and reflections. As you engage with each page, you'll find your teaching practices enriched and your connection to the art of education deepened.

Whether you're seeking a few minutes of creative escape or aiming to infuse your teaching with fresh ideas, this journal will be your go-to source. Let "The Spark" guide you in creating a masterpiece that reflects not only the knowledge you impart but also the boundless creativity that teaching entails.

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